I'm Terribly Sorry But We
Had to Close This Offer

People have been understandably upset upon reaching this page given that the autoresponder sequence so strongly promotes it.  I've been accused of "Shenanigans" and purposefully manipulating people for some other bigger offer. 

But what happened was that running the live club took too much of my personal time as compared to my other professional responsibilities and goals.   I'm involved with three growing companies, and sometimes I have to make difficult decisions regarding resource allocation.  Period, end of story.

I've left the autoresponder sequence running because there is a LOT of valuable FREE content therein...it's decidedly NOT purely promotional, as you'll find out if you decide to remain. 

Of course there will be those who say I'm manipulating you anyway... I can't do anything about that.  Free to unsubscribe if you're of this mindset, just please know it's furthest from my intentions.  The products and services I currently DO provide for entrepreneurs are always listed at www.AllGlennsStuff.com.  

Glenn Livingston, Ph.D.












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Testimonials on this page reflect people's experience with Glenn Livingston, Ph.D.
and his products and services  in general, not necessarily this specific offering.
(Glenn is a psychologist who has spent his career in marketing.  He is not a medical doctor)

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